Typographically arranged letters of the work Bounjour graphic designer Katya Hicks

I don’t drink coffee. I do graphic design. It wakes me up in the morning and keeps me alert and on top of my game during the day. At night I go to bed looking forward to waking up in the morning and having my first graphic design.

Welcome to my site. Please have a look through my portfolio and let’s get talking.

Typographically arranged word PROJECTS
typographically arranged letters of the word ABOUT Katya Hicks

I live in Montreal Canada. It’s the best place on Earth where dreams come true. I got my DEC in Graphic Design from Dawson College here in 2023. Being a graphic designer was my life dream since I was four years old.

I grew up in the utopic world of the USSR. I lived in London United Kingdom and worked for the biggest technology corporation in the world. I lived in Bangkok Thailand. I spent some time in Arabic countries. I studied languages and psychology in Europe. I speak English and work on my shyness about speaking French. Graphic design is culture and my life has been about the multitude of it.

My design process is 51% wild creativity, 44% corporate discipline, 3% British humour and 1% my cat’s harsh destructive criticism… I have a mutant cat, who looks like an alien, and no, it’s not a sphynx. Yes, she has her own Instagram account…

kh [at] katyahicks.com
Typographically arranged letters of the word CONTACT
Typographically arranged letters of the word THANK YOU for visiting